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The context and the difference——On the reception of Jamson's theory in China

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 东莞理工学院文学院中文系

出  处: 《淮南师范学院学报》 2005年第2期29-32,共4页

摘  要: “詹姆逊在中国”显示了语境对接受的影响。詹姆逊不是后现代理论的原创者,但“新马克思主义”身份使他的后现代理论在中国有众多的读者。90年代兴起的商业文化为中国接受詹姆逊的后现代主义文化理论提供了现实语境,中国接受者却悬置了他的批判立场。詹姆逊对现代性的批判、对多样现代性的质疑是基于西方知识分子的反思,却与中国对现代性追求的特殊语境存在落差。 'Jamson's theory travel in China' has shown a case of that how a context receiving a influence of travel theory. Although not being an original producer of the post-modern theory, Jamson has numerous Chinese readers mainly attributing to his idenity of 'neo-Marxisit'. The popular culture rising in 1990's provided a spacial context for China receiving Jamson's cultural theory of post-modernisim. However, Chinese recievers, more or less, have given up his critical position. Jamson's critique of the modernity and the viewpoints of multi-modernity is based on a western intellectual's reflection on his own civilization, which is not fully suited to the special context of China in pursuit of the modernity.

关 键 词: 詹姆逊 后现代理论 现代性 中国语境 接受研究

领  域: [哲学宗教]


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作者 吴寒
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机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广州大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学


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