作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东技术师范学院
出 处: 《广西民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2005年第4期123-126,共4页
摘 要: 李清照以创作实践来证实自己提出的词“别是一家”之说。就词情而言,这表现在她有“丈夫气”,不同于一般女子,同时她又是女子,不同于普通士大夫男性作家,因而她的创作既有女性细腻温婉的一面,同时也有倜傥、慷慨的一面。就词法而论,李清照以通俗的语言和好懂的音律,化解了宋词发展到北宋末期,已进入到既要雅又要俗的两难困境。 LI Qing-zhao, with her own writing practice, confirmed her own theory about the peculiarity of Ci. As far as the feelings contained are concerned, her Ci not only differed from that of other females, but also that of male writers in that her Ci contains femininity and gentleness as well as grandness and unconventionality. When it came to writing rules, LI Qing-zhao, with popular language and melodious rhythm and rhyme, ironed out the contradiction between elegance and mediocrity in late Northern Song Dynasty.
领 域: [文学]