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Impacts of Household Fuel Structure on Land Desertification in Ejin Horo Banner

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国农业大学资源与环境学院

出  处: 《资源科学》 2005年第3期86-91,共6页

摘  要: 抽样调查数据的统计表明,近50年来伊金霍洛旗农牧户生活用薪炭结构经历了以沙蒿等生物质薪炭为主向煤炭与树枝树条的矿物质和生物质多元薪炭结构的变化;某种薪炭在整个薪炭结构中的比重越大,其变异系数越小,表明农牧户之间薪炭结构的同构性强。在20世纪50年代~70年代沙漠化强烈发展时期,30%~70%的新增沙漠化土地是由樵采沙蒿等生物质薪炭引起,随着薪炭结构多元化,这一比例逐步降低,引起的沙漠化土地面积也大幅度下降。薪炭结构的变化对土地沙漠化逆转的作用显著。如果农民收入不增加,随着煤炭等矿物质燃料价格的上升,樵采生物质薪炭导致沙漠化的威胁就会加大;因此,有必要通过技术创新进一步提高非生物质的风能、太阳能在薪炭结构中的比例。 As far as we known, lopping woods and shrub for fuels in semiarid and sub-humid regions is one of the important factors of desertification. For investigating household fuel structure, 150 farmer families were visited in Ejin Horo Banner, Inner Mongolia. The statistical result shows that the household fuel structure had evolved from biological matter dominance to both mineral and biological matter dominance in the last fifty years. Statistics show that the higher the proportion of certain fuel in fuel structure, the less the variance of such fuel among the household fuel structure. The average proportion of Artemisia ordosica in the household fuel structure reduced rapidly from over 60% in the 1950s and 1960s to 10% in the 1990s in the 20^(th) century. On the contrast, proportions of coal and tree branch in the fuel structure increased from 22% and 10% to 40% and 50% respectively in the same period. The increase of tree branch's proportion in the fuel structure was due to reforestation that provided a lot of branches. The increase of coal's proportion in the fuel structure was due to economic development that made farmers have some money to buy coal. Because of logging Artemisia ordosica, available rangeland decreased from 46×10~4hm^2 in the 1950s to 29.6×10~4hm^2 in the 1970s in the 20^(th) century; and the desertification land spread from 3×10~4hm^2 to 20×10~4hm^2 at the same time. At least thirty to seventy percent desertification land was caused by cutting vegetation as firewood, especially cutting Artemisia ordosica in the 1950s to 1970s that is severe desertification period in the 20^(th) century. With the fuel structure evolved to diversity, the farmers did not depend on the woods, shrub and grass for firewood, the desertification land caused by cutting vegetation was reduced rapidly. The evolvement of fuel structure played an important role in combating desertification in Ejin Horo Banner in the last 50 years. But the household fuel structure is confronted with some potential trend to go back to the 19

关 键 词: 土地沙漠化 伊金霍洛旗 结构演变 内蒙古 世纪 年代 炭结构 生物质 沙漠化土地 调查数据 变异系数 发展时期 土地面积 农民收入 技术创新 矿物质 统计表 多元化 大幅度 太阳能 煤炭 沙蒿 牧户 比例 树枝

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [机械工程] [交通运输工程] [交通运输工程]


作者 杨伊侬
作者 许嘉
作者 左江
作者 徐运涛
作者 郑艳平


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广州大学


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 黄晓宇
作者 董俊武