机构地区: 武汉理工大学管理学院
出 处: 《武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版)》 2005年第3期265-268,共4页
摘 要: 回顾风险管理的理论依据,借鉴花旗银行风险管理的模式与方法,提出我国高速公路股份公司风险管理的原则和界定风险的类别,给出了风险评估与管理的思路与方法。 Based on reviewing the history of the risk management theory and referring to a case study of risk management, some principles of risk management of stock companies in China are proposed, and the framework of risk management in highway stock companies is analyzed.Risk analysis methods and ideas are also offerred.