机构地区: 广东工业大学信息工程学院
出 处: 《光子学报》 2005年第5期697-700,共4页
摘 要: 提出一种基于FBG和光环形器的双向光分插/复用器(BOADM)结构,并给出两种实验结构 结果表明,该器件在通路间隔100GHz时,异频串扰量-21. 4dB、同频串扰量-32dB,均满足WDM系统传输要求 该BOADM采用单面EDFA结构,易于同其他设备连接,适应性较好,设备成本低,同时还具有潜在的自愈保护能力。 A novel BOADM structure based on fiber gratings and circulators and two experimental structures are proposed. The experimental result shows that the heterohyne crosstalk and homodyne crosstalk of BOADM are -21. 4 dB and -32 dB at the channel space of 100 GHz. Moreover, the BOADM, which used unidirectional EDFA is simple, cost-effective and easy fit to other equipments, besides, it has self-healing ability.