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A Reyiew on the Origin of the Cathaysis Flora

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学生命科学学院生物系

出  处: 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 1994年第2期1-9,共9页

摘  要: 在古生代时期,中国古陆上存在着由于海侵所分割的华夏、康滇、杨子、华北、松江、塔里木、唐古拉、广西、北越等陆块。它们的北面有准噶尔大兴安地槽,西部有昌都地槽和藏南地槽。中生代之后,燕山运动和印度支那运动相继出现,海水从华夏等古陆之间退出,形成了联成一体的华夏古陆。自泥盆纪以来,在华夏各古陆出现了11群的种子碳,组成了古生代的华夏植物区系,它们当中的大羽羊齿类Gigantopterides及舌羊齿类Glos-sopterides到了二迭纪达到了全盛的时期。它们都和被子植物有较密切的联系,可归入前被子植物。中生代初期,华夏古陆及北美已出现了和现代被子植物一脉相联的原始被子植物,如北美三迭纪的Sanmiguelialewisii,福建晚二迭纪的心叶大羽羊齿Gigantopteris?cordata,到了侏罗纪,在华夏古陆已存在着许多现代仍然继续生存的昆栏树属Trochodendron、水青树属Tetracentron,木兰属Magnolia、荑花序类,鼠李科及禾本科等,进到白垩纪早期,现代被子植物各个钢、目和科已遍布于全球,最后,在福建龙岩找到的心叶大羽羊齿Gigan-topteris?cordataYabeetO? During the Palaeozoic Era,on the ancient Chinese continent existed manylandmasses,such as Cathaysia, Kangdian,Youngzi,North-China, Songjiang,Tarim,Tangula,Guangxi and North Vietnam etc,Iandmasses,which were divided by the seatransgresion,On the north of these landmasses,there existed the Jungor-DahinganGeosyncline,and the west existed Changdu and South Tibet Geosynclines.Until Meso-zoic Era the sea transgresion was ceased by the Yanshan and Indo-china mountainmovements,Cathaysia and the other landmasses were combined togather,and formed acomplete new Cathaysia ancient Land. From Devonian of Palaeozoic to early Mesozoic,there were 11 orders of Ptmdosperma found from the Cathaysian ancient land,amongthem,the Gigantopteris and GlossOpteris were fully developed at Permian Period,andwere supposed relative with Angiosperm. At Triassic Period of Mesozoic, there is thedawn of Angiosperm, the fossil of Gigantopteris cordata Yabe et Oishi found from Fu-jian and Sanmiquelia lowisii Schen from Texas and Colorado are directly related to theAngiosperm. And at Jurassic,the modern angiosperm such as Trochodendron, Tetrta-centron, Magnolia and genera of Amentiflorac are readily presented. And at the earlyCretaceous,all the classes and orders of Angiosperm are dispersed on the whole world.

关 键 词: 华夏范畴 古生代 被子植物

领  域: [生物学]




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