机构地区: 韶关学院思想政治理论课教学部
出 处: 《韶关学院学报》 2005年第5期35-37,共3页
摘 要: 诉讼当事人往往基于现实的需要而未约定债务的履行期限,目前,我国学术界对未定履行期的请求权的诉讼时效期间的起算意见未达成一致。从主观标准和客观标准相结合的原则来考虑,诉讼时效期间应从请求权人知道或应当知道请求权的实现受到被请求权人阻碍时起计算。 The parties give no deadline for repay the debt usually because of the need of reality. There are different views in academic circle about how to ascertain the beginning for calculating the prescription period of Anspruch of unascertained deadline for performance. When in this circumstance the prescription period should be calculated when the lighter knows or should know that the realization of Anspruch has been stopped by his opponent.