机构地区: 广州大学法学院
出 处: 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第7期30-33,共4页
摘 要: 刑事辩护制度是现代刑事诉讼对诉讼正义追求的结果。文章探讨了刑事辩护制度对程序正义和实体正义的保障功能,认为刑事辩护制度的运作,保障了被指控人的主体参与者地位和对等的诉讼权利,有助于法官中立和程序自治,从而促成程序正义的实现。同时,刑事辩护制度的展开,完善了控辩对抗机制,通过对抗揭发案件真相,并提供多样化的法律选择,从而最终保证实体正义的实现。 As the basic legal regime of modern criminal proceedings, the regime of criminal defense results from the insistence of modern criminal proceedings on justice. This paper, from the conception and the standard of proceedings justice, discusses its defending procedural justice and substantive justice. The author holds that the operation of the regime of criminal defense, keeps the defendant' subject station and equal right in the proceedings, and be helpful to the judge's neutrality and the procedural self_adminstration , and makes the perpetration of procedural justice.At the same time, the operation of the regime of criminal defense, develops the counter in the procedure, and makes the perpetration of the substantive justice by discovering truth and providing manifold legal choices.
关 键 词: 刑事辩护制度 诉讼正义 实体正义 程序正义 刑事诉讼 保障功能 诉讼权利 法官中立 法律选择 参与者 多样化 对抗 主体 案件