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Study on Time-based Competition from Demand-side via Demand Visibility Method

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 华中科技大学管理学院

出  处: 《工业工程与管理》 2005年第3期82-87,共6页

摘  要: 在描述了构成需求链的需求产生和转移过程的基础上,分析了目前普遍采用的需求链向制造商传递需求的方法的局限性,提出了一类制造商利用来自需求链的与需求有关的信息,在需求链将需求传递给制造商之前,确定顾客需求的方法———需求可视法;提出了需求可视法的需求可视过程及其度量方法,论述了需求可视过程和需求产生转移过程的本质区别;提出了需求可视法的主要内容,包括需求可视信息源、需求可视技术、制造商和需求链成员在信息来源方面的合作机制、需求可视点的优化技术和需求可视辅助技术;论述了需求可视法的多样性特点,依据需求的相关性和自相关性的不同程度,顾客需求可以分为六类,这六类不同需求需要不同的需求可视信息源、不同的需求可视技术、不同的合作机制、不同的需求可视点。 After describing the process of occurring and transferring of demand and pointing out the disadvantages of placing order to manufacturers by demand-chains, demand visibility method (DVM), a method for manufacturers to determine demand was put forward by using demand-related information from demand-chains before placing orders to manufacturers through demand-chains. Subsequently, the demand visibility stages of DVM were analyzed. Furthermore, the elements of DVM were discussed, which includes demand visibility information sources, demand visibility techniques, cooperation mechanism between manufacturers and members of demand chains, optimization of demand visibility point, and assistant techniques for demand visibility. Finally, the characteristics of DVM, which the elements of DVM will be changed with the different demand, are illustrated and verified.

关 键 词: 需求可视法 基于时间的竞争 需求链 需求可视点

领  域: [经济管理]




作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟