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Effects of Blue Light on the Growth of Rice Seedlings

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《中国水稻科学》 1994年第2期115-118,共4页

摘  要: 蓝光对水稻幼苗生长效应的研究李韶山,潘瑞炽(华南师范大学,广州510631)EffectsofBlueLightontheGrowthofRiceSeedlings¥LiShaoshan;PANRuichi(SouthChinaNormalUnive... Effects of blue light on the growth of rice seedlings were studied. Blue light suppressed the height of rice seedlings with increase of irradiance, and the first leaves of seedlings treated with blue light unfolded earlier than those of seedlings treated with white light and dark. Blue light 1greatment decreased the area of the first leaf but increased its leaf angle. Treated by blue light, rice seedlings had well--developed root syststms with Increased dehydrogenase activity, and IAA oxidase activity in leaves also being increased. After being transplanted and grown under natural conditions, rice seedlings treated by blue light developed much more tillers than those treated by white light.

关 键 词: 蓝光 生长 水稻

领  域: [农业科学]




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