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Within populaion variation in locomoor performance in he Chinese skink Eumeces chinensis induced by four internal and exernal factors

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 杭州师范大学

出  处: 《动物学报》 2005年第2期222-231,共10页

摘  要: 设计四项实验研究四种内外因素(环境温度、怀卵、摄食和断尾) 导致的中国石龙子(Eumeces chinen sis) 运动表现种群内变异。环境温度通过影响体温而影响石龙子的运动表现。两性成体疾跑速均具有在低体温范围内随体温升高而加快、在高体温范围内随体温升高而降低的一般模式。怀卵雌体和成年雄体使平均疾跑速达到最大值的体温分别是29℃和30℃。在任何体温下成年雄体的疾跑速均大于怀卵雌体, 表明怀卵对母体运动有不利的影响并相对地增加了雌体繁殖代价。怀卵雌体和成年雄体的最大持续运动距离无显著差异; 体温对最大持续运动距离有显著影响, 且主要与低体温下最大持续运动距离较小有关。性别与体温相互作用对最大持续运动距离有显著影响。怀卵雌体和成年雄体的疾跑速和最大持续运动距离呈显著的正相关。以性别为因子的ANCOVA去除最大持续运动距离差异的影响后发现, 成年雄体的疾跑速仍大于怀卵雌体。27℃和30℃平均体温下的摄食实验进一步证实怀卵雌体疾跑速小于成年雄体, 但前者最大持续运动距离大于后者。该实验同时显示禁食石龙子的疾跑速和最大持续运动距离大于摄食石龙子, 各因子相互作用对最大持续运动距离的影响显著,仅性别与摄食相互作用对疾跑速有边缘性显著影响。 We designed four experimens o sudy wihin populaion variaion in locomoor performance in he Chinese skink Eumeces chinensis induced by four inernal (pregnancy,feeding and ail loss) and exernal (ambien emperaure) facors. Ambien emperaure influenced he skink ’s body emperaure (Cloacal,b),hereby influencing is locomoor performance. Sprin speed increased wih increase in body emperaure wihin he lower emperaure range,and hen decreased a higher body emperaures. he paern of he hermal dependence of sprin speed did no differ beween boh sexes,bu he opimal body emperaure for sprin speed was slighly lower in pregnan females (29℃) han in adul males (30℃). Sprin speed was greaer in adul males han in pregnan females a any given level of body emperaures,indicaing ha pregnancy exers an adverse effec on running performance and,relaively,increases maernal reproducive cos. he maximal disance raveled wihou sopping (hereafer he maximal disance) was shorer in skinks a lower body emperaures,and i did no differ beween pregnan females and adul males. he sex × body emperaure ineracion was a significan source of variaion in he maximal disance. Sprin speed was posiively correlaed wih he maximal disance in boh pregnan females and adul males. When he influence of variaion in he maximal disance was removed using an ANCOVA wih sex as he facor,sprin speed was sill greaer in adul males han in pregnan females. his resul adds furher evidence ha pregnancy reduces sprin speed. he feeding experimen furher confirmed ha running performance was beer in adul males han in pregnan females,bu i showed ha he maximal disance was greaer in pregnan females a he body emperaures of 27℃ and 30℃ han in adul males a he same body emperaures. he fased skinks had beer locomoor performance han did he fed ones,as indicaed by he fac ha he former no only ran faser bu also had a longer maximal disance han did he laer. Our feeding experimen also showed ineracion effecs on he maximal disance bu no on sprin speed,wih one excepion ha he sex × feeding ineracion exered a

关 键 词: 中国石龙子 运动 种群内变异 环境温度 摄食 怀卵雌体 尾自切 爬行动物

领  域: [生物学]




作者 丁培强
作者 徐松林
作者 徐枫
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作者 孙有发