机构地区: 西北农林科技大学机械与电子工程学院
出 处: 《阀门》 2005年第2期15-17,共3页
摘 要: 通过对食品加工用超高压针阀的结构及工作环境、阀芯失效后密封面的形貌、液体与阀芯表面的接触特性和液体与阀芯的相对运动三方面的研究与分析,得出了针阀的主要失效形式为气蚀和冲蚀磨损,为提高针阀寿命的研究提供一些参考依据。 Unload valve is a critical part that unload high pressure to down norm al pressure after ultra-high pressure work is over.At present,life of needle v alve made in China is very short,which is one of bottleneck problems of high-pr essure food industrialization.Researching and analyzing structure and work envi ronment of ultra high pressure needle valve,sealing surface topography after st em is failed,surface contacts characteristics of liquid between surface of stem and relative move of liquid and stem,main failure style of needle valve was wo rk out.,they are cavitation,erosion resistance and high temperature wear.
关 键 词: 超高压 针阀 失效机理 工作环境 食品加工 相对运动 接触特性 冲蚀磨损 失效形式 密封面 阀芯 液体 气蚀