机构地区: 安徽农业大学生命科学学院
出 处: 《生态环境》 2005年第2期199-203,共5页
摘 要: 针对铜陵市铜尾矿废弃地的复垦,选用了5种乡土豆科植物在5种不同的尾矿改良方式上进行盆栽试验。5种供试物种为:大豆(Glycinemax)、赤豆(Phaseolusangularis)、赤小豆(P.calcaratus)、绿豆(P.radiatus)、山绿豆(P.mininus)。盆栽基质是以尾矿与正常土壤按体积100∶0、75∶25、50∶50、25∶75、0∶100比例混合而成,分别标记为:TA100、TA75、TA50、TA25、TA00。5种豆科植物生长时间为70d。结果发现:随铜尾矿在混合基质中比例的增加,5种豆科植物根系的主根长逐渐变短、根系一级侧根的数目逐渐减少;铜尾矿对5种豆科植物根瘤的形成产生抑制作用,特别是山绿豆和绿豆在全尾矿的基质上,无根瘤生成;地下根部的生物量表现为随着尾矿含量比例的增加,地下部分的生物量逐渐下降,但根冠比表现为随尾矿含量比例的增加而增加;植物对铜尾矿中铜的积累,主要含集中根部,地上部分与地下部分差异明显。 Pot experiments with five local legumes were conducted in five different amendment substrates for the reclamation of copper tailings in Tongling, Anhui province. The five tested legumes species are Glycine max, Phaseolus angularis, Phaseolus calcaratus, Phaseolus radiatus, and Phaseolus mininus. The pot substrates were incorporated with copper tailings/soils ratios(V/V) 100∶0, 75∶25, 50∶50, 25∶75, 0∶100, respectively, which marked TA100, TA75, TA50, TA25, TA00. Five legumes species had been planted for 70 days. The results showed that: the lengths of the main roots for the five legumes species decreased and the numbers of the first branch roots dropped down while the rate of the copper tailings increased in mixed substrates. The growth of root nodules were inhibited because of the phytotoxicity of the copper tailings. Especially there was no nodules for Phaseolus radiatus, and Phaseolus mininus on TA100 pots after 70 days’ growth. The biomasses of underground parts for the five legumes on TA100 group were the lowest, but some mixed groups’ biomasses were a little higher than that of the TA00 (controlled group). The ratios of root/shoot increased with the rates of copper tailings in the pots. The contents of Cu in the roots were all higher than that of the aboveground parts. The contents of Cu in the roots were higher than that of the shoots.
领 域: [环境科学与工程]