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Studies on the karyotype of 4 groupers

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 湛江海洋大学水产学院

出  处: 《海洋科学》 2005年第4期51-55,共5页

摘  要: 以蜂巢石斑鱼(Epinephelus merra)、鲑点石斑鱼(Epinephelus fario)、点带石斑鱼(Epinephelusmalabaricus)及黑边石斑鱼(Epinephelusfasciatus)为材料,胸腔注射PHA及秋水仙素溶液,取头肾细胞经空气干燥法制片。经核型分析,蜂巢石斑鱼与鲑点石斑鱼核型一样,2n=48=4m+6sm+4st+34t,NF=62;点带石斑鱼与黑边石斑鱼的核型一样,2n=48=48t,NF=48。由染色体数目2n=48可知,4种石斑鱼在鱼类系统中划分为高位类;由核型组成不同,可以将4种石斑鱼分为两大类:蜂巢石斑鱼与鲑点石斑鱼属于一大类;点带石斑鱼与黑边石斑鱼属于另一大类。此外,按总臂数多少来分,蜂巢石斑鱼与鲑点石斑鱼为特化类群;点带石斑鱼与黑边石斑鱼为原始类群。 The karyotypes of 4 wild groupers were examined in renal tissues by using PHA-injection air drying method. Their karyotype formulae are as follows: 2n=48=4m+6sm+4st+34t, NF=62 for Epinephelus.merra and Epinephelus. Fario;, 2n=48=48t, NF=48 for Epinephelus malabaricus and Epinephelus fasciatus;. According to the diploid number of 48 chromosomes, these 4 wild grouper species belong to high level of system classification. According to karyotypes difference, the groupers can be divided into two groups: one is E.merra and E.fario, the other is E.malabaricus and E.fasciatus. In addition, according to fundamental arm number (NF), E.merra and E.fario belong to specialized classification, while E.malabaricus and E. Fasciatus belong to primitive classification.

关 键 词: 石斑鱼 植物血细胞凝集素 核型

领  域: [生物学]


作者 杨世平
作者 李晓筠


机构 广东海洋大学


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