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LD-pumped Acousto-optically Q-switched 532 nm Laser with High Repetition Rate

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 清华大学信息科学技术学院电子工程系

出  处: 《中国激光》 2005年第4期461-465,共5页

摘  要: 实现了重复频率高达105 kHz的紧凑的全固态声光(A-O)调Q 532 nm腔内倍频激光器。激光器使用Nd∶YVO4作为激光晶体,Ⅱ类匹配的KTP为倍频晶体,声光器件材料为熔融石英,由自制的声光驱动器驱动,其最大射频输出功率为7.5 W,重复频率1 Hz^105 kHz可调。使用1 W的激光二极管(LD)抽运,50 kHz重复频率下,得到平均功率达224 mW的532 nm脉冲激光稳定平均输出,总光光转换效率高达22.4%。低重复频率下,可以实现脉宽为17.2 ns,峰值功率为470 W,单脉冲能量为8.1μJ的稳定运转。给出了平均功率与重复频率关系的一般公式,并提出即使是在四能级系统中,有效储能时间也并不等于上能级寿命,理论计算结果与实验结果吻合得很好。 A compact, all solid-state and high repetition rate as up to 105 kHz acousto-optic (A-O) Q-switched intracavity frequency-doubled 532 nm laser is demonstrated. A Nd:YVO4 crystal is used as active media and a type-II KTP (KTiPO4) as frequency doubler. The Q switcher is made by fused silica and driven by a driver whose maximal rf output power is 7.5 W and repetition rate is variable from 1 Hz to 105 kHz, which is made by our own. 224 mW of 532 nm average power at a repetition rate of 50 kHz was generated with a 1 W laser diode (LD) as pump source, and a high optical-to-optical conversion efficiency of 22.4% was obtained. Under low repetition rate, steady operation is achieved with pulse width of 17.2 ns, peak power of 470 W and single pulse energy of 8.1 μJ. A general formula of average-power as a function of pulse repetition rate is presented which has good agreement with the experiment results. Analysis and experimental verification showed that, even in four-level system, the effective storage time is not equal to the upper state lifetime.

关 键 词: 激光技术 固体激光器 激光二极管抽运 储能时间 声光调 内腔倍频 高重复频率

领  域: [电子电信]


作者 傅正昂
作者 覃晓立


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学资讯管理学院资讯管理系
机构 深圳职业技术学院媒体与传播学院


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