机构地区: 华南理工大学建筑学院建筑系
出 处: 《中国园林》 2005年第4期43-45,共3页
摘 要: 中国古代文人由于其社会地位和处境,以及受到山水诗、画和儒、道、佛等思想的影响,在营造园林上有其必要性和重要性。从文人参与建园程度及园林类型方面,进一步说明文人在中国古典园林上的深层作用。 Chinese literary men were necessary and important in constructing classical gardens in ancient times. Also, influenced by landscape poems and paintings, the Confucianism, the Taoism and the Buddhism, ancient literary men made their uses to Chinese classical gardens. Furthermore, the viewpoint is elaborated by discussing Chinese literary men's social position and lot, and their participation in the building extent and types of gardens.
关 键 词: 风景园林 古代文人 综述 古典园林 自然山水 造园
领 域: [建筑科学]