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Pathological anatomy and identification of death causes for four Chinese White Dolphins in Pearl River Estuary

作  者: ; ; ; (陈加林);

机构地区: 中山大学生命科学学院

出  处: 《海洋水产研究》 2005年第2期31-35,共5页

摘  要: 对珠江口海域4头死亡的中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)进行外部形态检查和内脏器官病理解剖.从外部形态看,ZSC01~ZSC03三头都有明显的伤痕,而ZSC04则受海水浸泡表面已经严重腐烂.通过病理解剖,发现4头中华白海豚的内脏器官并无可见病变,部分内脏器官由于死亡时间较久发生自溶和腐烂,并发现ZSC04的食道塞着一团毛发.根据它们的受伤情况和死亡情况进行死亡原因分析,初步鉴定ZSC01~ZSC03是受人类活动影响致死,ZSC04则因食道阻塞而饿死. Four Chinese White Dolphins ( Sousa chinensis ) were found stranding in a beach in Pearl River Estuary from September 2003 to May 2004. For investigating the causes of these deaths, body examination and pathological anatomy were carried out later. The body shape of the specimens had some evident scars, except that almost whole skin of ZSC04 was putrid because of decomposing in the sea water, and a gout of hair was found in esophagus of ZSC04. No other fatal pathological changes were detected in the respiratory, digestive, reproductive and other systems. But some of the viscera organs were autolyzed because their death times were long and then some of them were dipped in the sea water. Based on the results of their wounds and death complexion, it was judged that ZSC01~ZSC03 were killed by humankind activities and ZSC04 died from starvation because its gullet was blocked.

关 键 词: 中华白海豚 病理解剖 死因鉴定

领  域: [生物学]




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