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Study on Utilizations of the Wildtype Reed in Xinjiang

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 干旱半干旱区可持续发展国际研究中心

出  处: 《农业科学研究》 2005年第1期76-79,共4页

摘  要: 芦苇是广布世界的水生植物,中国有卡开芦苇(南方大苇)等芦苇8种,新疆芦苇主要是普通芦苇,在长期适应干旱环境的过程中,分化形成了不同的生态类型,即水生芦苇(水芦或大芦苇)、盐化草甸芦苇(盐芦或小芦苇)、沙丘芦苇(沙芦或中芦苇)、水生向陆生的过渡芦(过渡芦或中芦苇)等.是可再生的生物资源,具有较高的经济和社会生态价值.干旱区的新疆芦苇资源丰富,在有水处生长着繁茂的株高3~5 m的大芦苇,无水或地下水位一般为2~5 m的较高处生长有株高1~2.5 m的过渡芦,甚至在沙丘上亦有株高1.5~2 m的沙芦生长,即使盐渍化极为严重、地表盐积壳厚达1~5 cm的地方,除偶有耐盐碱的柽柳生长外,茫茫盐碱滩生长最多的是成片株高0.2~1 m的盐芦.开发利用好这一资源,使这一资源多用化,既能带动新疆的经济腾飞,促进畜牧业发展,又能为产业结构的调整提供新的思路,更有利于生态脆弱的新疆的生态环境建设与生态恢复. Reed is an extensive distributive aquatic plant. There are eight species in China. Pragmites karka (Retz.) is dominant species in Xinjiang, which forms differentially different ecotypes during a long period of time adopting arid environment, aquatic reeds (namely big reed or aquatic reed), salinized-meadow reeds (namely small reed and salt reed) and dune reeds (dune or media reed) and transitional reeds from water to land. Reed is not only a world extensive distributive aquatic plant, but also a regenerative biological resource, and posses economic, social, ecologic value. There are rich resources of reed in Xinjiang, in some places near water source the highest reed reaches 3~5m. In where no surface water, but ground-water level is as deep as 2~5m, transitional reeds are 1~2.5m high, and 1.5~2m at dune. The salinized-meadow reeds grow up to 0.2~1m in height, in where the soil is so sever salinized that salt layers reach 1~5cm on the surface of the soil. Tamrix is the other plant, which can survive in the places of which reeds are found. Utilizing the resource and making it functionality can not only drive Xinjiang economic development, but also boost stockbreeding and provide a new thought for adjusting industrial structure, meanwhile, facilitate fragile ecologic environmental construct and ecologic renewing in Xinjiang.

关 键 词: 野生植物资源 多用化 新疆 生态环境建设 畜牧业发展 水生植物 干旱环境 生态类型 盐化草甸 沙丘芦苇 生物资源 资源丰富 生态价值 地下水位 开发利用 产业结构 生态恢复 生态脆弱 生长 株高 可再生 过渡 干旱区 耐盐碱 盐碱滩 经济 分化

领  域: [生物学] [机械工程] [交通运输工程] [交通运输工程]




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