机构地区: 成都理工大学环境与土木工程学院地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室
出 处: 《湖南科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2005年第1期41-44,共4页
摘 要: 以西南某机场高填方体地基饱水混合土为例,从饱水方法、荷载等级设置到正应力等级固结稳定时间与量级,系统地把握了饱水混合土大剪试验的几个关键技术.就屈服值区分了两种取值方法,并确定出两类屈服点和两类屈服曲线.且抗剪强度参数主要考虑峰值强度和屈服强度的c、φ指标.根据工程经验,饱水混合土的强度指标(长期强度)的 c按平均屈服值的 0.25、φ按峰值的0.60折取,同时将折取后的c、φ作为高填方体地基稳定性评价的建议值.由此,形成了一套较为完整的饱水混合土大剪试验的抗剪强度参数取值方法,为类似的大剪试验提供了整体强度参数取值操作构想.图2,表4,参11. It systematically contained several key techniques in large-sized shear experiment of saturated-mixed soil,which included the method of saturated,setting grade of loading,and the stabilization time and quantity of consolidation of normal stress.According to yield-strength,the two different arriving approaches were distinguished,and two different kinds of yield-point and yield-curve were determined.The shear strength parameter was based on the c & φ of peak-strength and yield-strength.According to the empiristic formula in geo-engineering project,the c & φ of strength(long period strength) in the saturated-mixed soil experiment are 0.25 of average yield-strength and 0.6 of average peak-strength respectively,and they were also used as advised values in assessment of foundational stability under high filling body.Consequently,it form a relatively complete way of getting parameters of shear-strength in large-sized shear experiment of saturated-mixed soil.To the theoretical concern,it can be reference of getting strength of total parameters in related large-sized experiments.2figs.,4tAbs.,11refs.