机构地区: 深圳大学当代中国政治研究所
出 处: 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2005年第2期59-64,共6页
摘 要: 在2003年深圳和北京的区县人大代表选举中涌现出的自荐竞选者的参选率和当选率都极低,其竞选方式也相对粗糙;然而社会对此种现象却反响强烈,引起了有关方面的高度关注,并在一定程度上直接促成了2004年我国《选举法》的修订。在这种鲜明反差的背后,实际上折射出我国现阶段公民利益表达的政治化倾向和公民参政意识的日益增强,并表明我国执政党正不断提高发展社会主义民主政治的能力,尽可能将体制外的民主冲动吸纳到体制内来释放。 In the 2003 Shenzhen and Beijing's local elections for the representatives of the county people's congress, the number of self-recommended candidates and their success rate remained very low. Their campaign methods were coarse. However, there arose a strong public reaction, drawing high-degree attention from the ruling party. To some extent, it led to the revision of China's Election Law in 2004. This sharp contrast reflects the growing desire of the Chinese citizens for political participation to express their demands. It also shows that the Chinese ruling party is continuing to improve its ability to develop socialist democratic politics in its attempt to release the spontaneous democratic impulse in the legal outlet.