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Construction of AFLP Molecular Markers Linkage Map in Tea Plant

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 湖南农业大学园艺园林学院茶学教育部重点实验室

出  处: 《茶叶科学》 2005年第1期7-15,共9页

摘  要: 采用改进的AFLP技术体系,对祁门4号×潮安大乌叶的F1代群体进行连锁图谱的构建。经22对引物组合的选择性扩增,共获得1925条带,平均每对引物产生87.5条带,获得多态性带485条,多态性带的比率为25.19%。共有356(73.40%)个多态性位点符合孟德尔分离比例(P=0.01),其中发生1:1分离的位点为247(69.38%)个,发生3:1分离的位点为109(30.62%)个。采用Mapmaker/Exp3.0软件进行连锁分析,分别构建了祁门4号与潮安大乌叶的AFLP分子连锁图谱,其中母本图谱包括由208个标记组成的17个连锁群,总图距为2457.7cM,标记间平均间距为11.9cM。父本图谱包括由200个标记组成的16个连锁群,总图距为2545.3cM,标记间平均间距为12.8cM。 Based on an improved method of AFLP, AFLP markers were employed for construction of a linkage map used a set of 69 F1 progenies of Qi Men No.4×Chao An Da Wu Ye as a mapping population. In this work, all together 1925 bands were obtained by 22 pairs of primers and 87.5 bands each primer pair on average, a total of 485 (25.19%) polymorphic AFLP markers were detected. The 356 (73.40%) of polymorphic markers with Mendelian segregation ratio (P=0.01) were obtained. 247(69.38%)of the 356 loci were 1:1 segregation, 109(30.62%)of the 356 loci were 3:1 segregation. Furthermore, the AFLP molecular markers linkage maps of Qi Men No.4 and Chao An Da Wu Ye were constructed respectively by using Mapmaker/Exp (version3.0). The map of female parent included 17 linkage groups and located 208 markers, covered total map length of 2457.7 cM, and average distance between markers was 11.9 cM. The map of male parent included 16 linkage groups and located 200 markers, covered total map length of 2545.3 cM, and average distance between markers was 12.8 cM.

关 键 词: 茶树 分子连锁图谱

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [生物学]




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