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Excavation on the Xingnong City-site of the Bohai Period in Hailin City,Heilongjiang

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 吉林大学

出  处: 《考古》 2005年第3期21-35,共15页

摘  要: 1994~1995年对黑龙江海林市兴农古城址进行了钻探和发掘,城址呈不规则方形,周长约642米,大致在南城墙中部置一城门。城墙系夯筑而成,墙外有一条壕沟城内早期遗存为早期铁器时代,约当两汉时期;晚期遗存为渤海时期。该城址的建筑与使用年代大约为渤海中晚期,应以防御为主要功能。 In 1994 to 1995,Drilling and excavation were carried out at Xingnong in Hailin City, Heilongjiang.The work covered a total area of about 700 sq m and discovered a Bohai period city-site irregularly square in plan and some 642 m in circumference.Roughly in the middle of the southern city wall,a city gate was found to be distinctly of Tang-style structure.The city walls are built of rammed earth and surrounded by a moat.The cultural remains revealed within the city belong to the Han period of the early Iron Age and to the Bohai period respectively.The city was constructed and existed roughly in middle and late Bohai times.Judging from its location and shape,it must have been a medium-or small-sized plain-style city functioning mainly for the defense of communication lines in the northern Bo- hai State.

关 键 词: 城址 发掘 渤海时期

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理]


作者 张喜斌


机构 暨南大学文学院历史学系


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