作 者: ;
机构地区: 香港中文大学
出 处: 《外国语》 2002年第4期77-80,共4页
摘 要: 本文介绍了陈善伟教授主编的Translation in Hong Kong: Past, Present and Future——《翻译在香港:回顾、现况与前瞻》。此书的中心议题是考察香港从小渔村发展到国际大都市的过程中,翻译所起的重要作用。书中同时还回顾了香港的翻译史、香港翻译研究的现状以及翻译实践和研究的前景。对比一下大陆翻译实践和研究的状况,本文作者认为大陆的同行可以从这本书中得到许多借鉴。 The paper introduces the newly published English book Translation in Hong Kong: Past, Present and Future. The chief editor of this book is Professor Chan Sin-wai. The main concern of this book is to investigate the important role played by translation in the modernization of Hong Kong. Other issues discussed in this book include the history of translation, the present situation in translation studies in Hong Kong and the future of this field of study. The author compares this with both theory and practice in translation in the Chinese Mainland and suggests that much can be learned from this book.