机构地区: 中国科学院计算技术研究所
出 处: 《计算机工程与应用》 2005年第8期95-97,107,共4页
摘 要: 双机高可用系统是当前高可用机群系统的重要应用模式之一。为了保证高可用性,必须对其进行全面、完备的测试。传统的高可用系统的测试以手工测试为主,需要大量的人工参与,测试的过程不够规范。文章提出了一种高可用机群系统的测试软件HABench,该软件可以减少测试人员的手工参与,规范测试的过程,并且保证测试的完备性。该文介绍了该测试软件的功能、结构和技术特点,以及实现此软件所需要的几个关键技术。 Two-node cluster is one of the main application patterns in the High-Availability system.In order to achieve High-Availability,it must test the system completely and thoroughly.Traditional High-Availability system testing is primarily base on manual testing,which is not normative enough.This paper presents a High-Availability cluster testing software:HABench.This software normalizes testing process,and assures the completeness of testing.As result,it decreases the degree of which testers intervene into manual testing.The architecture and key technologies of this software are also described.