作 者: ;
机构地区: 湖北大学文学院
出 处: 《南阳师范学院学报》 2005年第2期76-79,共4页
摘 要: 辛弃疾赋闲家居时期创作的词中,多次使用"懒"这一心理-情感意象。以唐宋词中的"懒"意象为 参照,唐宋词中的"懒"意象包含三个层面:其一,表现慵懒无聊的美人情态,心理基础在"怨";其二,表达逍遥 闲散的生活姿态,心理基础在"倦";其三,寄寓壮志难酬的孤愤情怀,心理基础在"愤"。其中前两类在唐宋词中 比较普遍,第三类则为稼轩所特有。 Xin Qiji often used sloth in his Ci poems written in keeping the house. In Ci written in the Tang and Song Dynasties, sloth including three sides; 1. to represent the fair' s sloth and vacuity; 2. to represent the au-thor's idleness; 3. to represent the author's indignant mood. The first and the second were the prevalent usage , but the third was the Xin Qiji's inimitable usage.
领 域: [文学]