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Purification of Metallothioneins by MetelChelate Affinity Chromatograpby.

作  者: ; ; ; ; (铁锋);

机构地区: 北京大学基础医学院生物化学与分子生物学系

出  处: 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 1994年第5期447-450,共4页

摘  要: 将二价铜离子螯合在ChelatingSepharoseFastFlow凝胶上制成亲和层析柱,锌诱导兔肝和镉诱导小鼠肝经匀浆、乙醇处理后上柱,用pH4.0的醋酸盐缓冲液平衡,再用pH5.2不同浓度的醋酸盐缓冲液分别洗脱,可得两个金属硫蛋白(MT)洗脱峰,经确定先后为MT-2和MT-1.分离方法比传统的凝胶过滤-离子交换法简单、省时,适于实验室规模分离纯化. (China), An affinity chromatography column for isola-tion and purification of metallothionein (MT)was prepared with Chelating Sepharose FastFlow gel bound with bivalent copper. Zinc-in-duced rabbit liver. or cadmium-induced mouseliver was homogenized and precipitated withethanol. The sample was applied on the col-umn and equilibrated with pH4. 0 acetic acidbuffer. Then pH5. 2 of different concentrationacetic acid buffers were used for elution ofMT . Two eluted peaks were obtained andidentified as MT-2 and MT-1. Comparingwith the traditional method -gel filtrationand ion exchange chromatography. thismethod is simple and time-saving in laborato-ry-scale.

关 键 词: 金属硫蛋白 金属螯合 分离 提纯

领  域: [生物学]




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