作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学生命科学学院昆虫学研究所
出 处: 《昆虫天敌》 1994年第3期107-113,共7页
摘 要: 1990年因广东省松突圆蚧危害严重,故特从日本冲绳岛及面垣岛引进天敌日本异花角蚜小蜂以繁殖防治,同时,笔者在日本的松突圆蚧Hemiberlesia Pitysophila Takagi中发现另一种寄生蜂匀鞭蚜小蜂Encarsia sp.其生活史及防治情况将另文介绍.本文介绍电镜下该蜂的形态. The head of adult Encarsia sp. is hypognathous; compound eye is composed of 150 ommatidia; antenna is usually 8-segmented; there are several fingerlike sen-silla on antennifer, scape and pedical; pedical bears sensillum styloconicum;fun-icle bears sensillum trichodeum, sansillum placodeum, ensillum styloconicum and sensillum ampullaceum; elava bears sensillum trichodeum, sensillum placodeum and fingerlike sensillum.The thoracic aotum and abdominal notum boar reticular decorative pattern, mesocutum bears four hairs; there are two hairs outside the spiracle of pro-podeum.There are serial of round bullae(ten pieces) located at the ventral of forewing submarginal vein;at the wing edge of hindwing marginal vein bears hamule which formed the claustrum of forewing and hindwing.The ovipositor is usually short; at the end of ovipositor have a pair of ser-rature(serrated stylets), its surface bears sensillum.On each sids of basal segment of legs bears fingerlike seasilla; all trochanters bear a few discoid sensilla; the tibiotarsal segment of foreleg bear a well-developed comblike antenra-cleaner.