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作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学林学院

出  处: 《广西植物》 1994年第1期3-10,共8页

摘  要: 通过详细的调查和资料整理,木文对广西种子植物区系1.150个属作了系统的分析。结果显示,广西植物区系以热带成分占优势,温带成分不起重要作用;而在广义的热带成分中,纯热带属并不多.许多属都有强烈的亚热带性质,大量分布于广西的亚热带山地。据此.作者提出.从这些成分在广西的植被和植物区系中出现的情况来看,它们应是一个整体,很可能就是在当地起源的,是华夏植物区系的后裔。 An analysis of the generic areal types of the seed plants indicates thatGuangxi is rich in tropical genera, with various elements coming together to form adiversified flora. But a further study shows that genuinely tropical genera are muchfewer. Many 'so-called' tropical genera concentrate in the subtropical and evenwarm-temperate mountainous regions. In respect of the occurrence of these elementsin the vegetation, it is difficult to distinguish clearly the tropical and subtropicalelements: and in terms of their phylogeny, many tropical genera are relatively advanced, while elements of E. Asia and N. America disjuncted, E. Asia and those endemic tO China include such genera as the primitive polycarpicals and some isolatedgenera in the phylogenetic line. They are the main elements characteristic of Guangxi's flora. It is thus proposed that the majority of tropical elements were linelyto originate from the subtropical mountain range. They have undergone much development due to the favorable conditions in the tropical and thus expanded their habitats. This indicates the fact that Guangxi's flora is the descendant of the archaicCathaysian Floral and the tropical and subtropical flora and vegetation in Asia are acommon whole, they are also a part of the Cathaysian Flora. As with the temperateelements, a low percentage of such genera contains fewer species which are mostlyadvanced, and their distribution centers are out of Guangxi. This demonstrates thatthe temperate elements occupy a less important position in Guangxi's flora.

关 键 词: 地理成分 植物区系 广西

领  域: [生物学]


作者 张宏达


机构 华南农业大学林学院


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