作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学生命科学学院生物系
出 处: 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 1993年第3期55-66,共12页
摘 要: (1)中国植物区系不是来自北方,也不是来自热带,不能把中国植物区系看成是南北植物区系的混合体,它是在中生代起源于华夏古陆.自中生代以来,由于造山运动把华夏古陆与康滇古陆,四川古陆、淮阳古陆,江南古陆、塔里木古陆,华北古陆,北越古陆及印支古陆等联结成一片完整的古陆.北部包括东北南部,内蒙,天山北麓,还有日本本部及朝鲜半岛.南达苏门答腊及加里曼丹.整个亚洲热带和亚热带是一个完整的体系.原始的有花植物从三迭纪以后逐渐在华夏古陆发展起来,白垩纪以后并遍布于现在的热带地区.所谓北极起源的假设不能解析中国植物区系的组成和来源.不仅现代分布于热带和亚热带的植物不可能来自北方,连那些被视为温带成分的,如槭树科,杜鹃花科,忍冬科,榛科,桦木科,胡桃科以及报春花科,龙胆科,紫草科,麂蹄草科,岩梅科等,都是亚热带山区起源的,例如马先蒿属Pedicularis 有80%分布于亚热带山区.(2)中国植物区系不是由热带地区扩展过来的.热带地区分布的专性科及优势科,如龙脑香科等在系统发育方面都是后起的,它来自亚热带起源的更原始的科.再从地史上看,亚洲热带的地史既不稳定又是中生代晚期才升起的,那里不可能产生现在占优势的许多热带科属的远祖,至于热带山地雨林占优势的壳斗科,山茶科,木兰科,金缕梅科等,它们不是热带起源,而是亚热带起源,再扩展到热带,由于白垩纪后期的干旱以及气候分带加剧,才转移到热带中山地带.(3)落叶树不是由低温起源的,当然更不是来自北方或起源于北方,它是由于南方的干旱气候促成的,如木棉,柚木,合欢,厚皮树,苦木,箭毒木等都是证明,那些分布到北温带的栎树,枫香,胡桃,榛,榆,朴树甚至杨树等,都是亚热带山区起源,经过白垩纪后期的干旱而形成的,木材解剖的证据说明了常绿的木兰及朴树等的� The Chinese flora came neither from the Pan-Arctic nor from thetropic.It is also not a mixture of the Pan-Arctic and the tropical floras.Theyoriginated on the Cathaysian ancient land during the early Mesozoic.After thatperiod,the north border of the ancient land covered the south parts of North-East(South Manchuria),Inner Mongolia,North slope of Tianshan and Japan proper.The southern border,created by the Indo-China mountain movement which startedat the end of Triassic,covered the Indo-China and Malay Peninsulas,Sumatraand Kalimentan,and may extended to Luzon Island and other place.Cathaysia isone of the origin centers of the flowering plants which originated after Triassic-Jurassic.It can be proved with the exist of many relics and primitive taxa as wellas the flourish of relic gymnosperms[and]conifers.During that period,Malesean florawas a part of Cathaysian flora.The tropic and subtropics is an integration.AfterCretaeous,there was a drought climate all over the Cathaysia,which can be provedwith the exist of“red deposit”distributed over the ancient land,many of plants werecompelled to change their areal.The heat-resistance plants,such as dipterocarpswhich originated after Cretaceous,became dominant in the tropical forest.And theolder taxa,such as Magnoliaceae and Hamamelidaceae were forced to distributeon the tropical and subtropical mountain.The deciduous trees originated in the tropic and subtropic owing to the droughtclimate,not in Pan-Arctic or temperature zone because of the lower temperature.Furthermore,the Coniferae also not originated in Pan-Arctic or temperature zonebut at subtropic mountain.This can be indicated there are totally 10 genera of pina-ceae and 8 of the 9 genera of Taxodiaceae distrlduted at subtropical mountain.
领 域: [生物学]