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Diagnosis on the Systematic Development of Theaceae——Ⅱ.The Systematic Characters of Golden Camellia——C.nitidissima Chi

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 中山大学生命科学学院生物系

出  处: 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 1993年第3期118-120,共3页

摘  要: 金花茶Camellia nitidissima Chi(C.chrysantha Tuyama)与C.petelotii(Merr.)Sealy 是2个差异很大不相关联的种,表现在二者的叶片大小,叶缘的齿式深浅,花柄长度与其附着的苞片数目多少,花的颜色,花瓣的数目及形状和先端分裂与否,苞片及萼片同样还有花瓣是否具有毛被,都十分悬殊,因此,这2个种是不能混同的. The golden Camellia—Camellia nitidissima Chi(C.chrysantha(Hu)Tuyama)differed from Camellia petelotii(Merr.)Sealy by the smaller leaf-blade with blackglanduliferous dots beneath,the half number of bracteoles,the yellow colour anddifferent shape of the petals,and without indumentum on the bracteoles,sepalsand petals,On the other hand,the species Camellia petelotii Sealy is characterizedby the broader leaves without glanduliferous dots beneath,the longer pedicelsadhered with 10 bracteoles,the petal not yellow coloured and oblong withacute apex,the brabteoles and seqals as well as petals covered with whitishpubescences.They are distinguishable species.Authors not agree to theconclu siomade by Ming et Zhang published on“Acta Botanica Yunnanica”vol.15 no.1,1993.

关 键 词: 系统发育 山茶科 金花茶 分类

领  域: [生物学]


作者 何桂玲


机构 嘉应学院生命科学学院


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