机构地区: 华南理工大学
出 处: 《中国造纸学报》 1996年第1期36-41,共6页
摘 要: 气相色谱─质谱分析检测表明:苇浆CEH漂白的氯化段和碱处理段废液中均含有氯代酚和氯代愈创木酚,氯化段废液中的氯代酚相对含量高于氯代愈创木酚,碱处理段废液中两类氯代酚类化合物的相对含量接近。次氯酸盐漂白段废液中的氯代酚类化合物含量极少。经过载体吸附法固定的白腐菌处理之后,苇浆CEH漂白混合废液中的氯代酚类化合物含量大为降低。 GC-MS observation revealed that chlorophenol and chloroguaiacol existed in discharged effluents from the first two-stages of a CEH bleaching of reed pulp. No chlorinated phenolic compounds was found in the hypochlorite effluents.The bleaching effluents were treated with immobilized white-rot fungi P.chrysosporium, It was found that most of the chlorinated phenolic compounds were no more existed.