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Effect of ABT-5 (Growth Regulator) Applied on Agronomic Character and Content of Endogenous Hormone in Sugarbeet

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 东北农学院

出  处: 《中国甜菜》 1993年第3期12-17,共6页

摘  要: 在框栽和田间条件下研究了ABT5号增产灵浸种处理和叶喷处理对甜菜农艺性状及对甜菜叶片和根系内源激素含量变化的影响。结果表明,ABT5号处理明显增加根中赤毒素(GA_(1、3、4、7))、生长素(IAA)含量。明显增加根及叶中细胞分裂素(DHZR_S)含量,降低脱落酸(ABA)含量,导致刺激生长的激素(DHZR_S+GA_(1、3、4、7)+IAA)与抑制生长激素(ABA)的比例在根组织中表现出浸种处理>叶喷处理>CK的结果。这是ABT5号处理后甜菜块根增产的生理机制之一。本实验证实,ABT5号处理仅促进主根生长,不形成簇状叉根。浸种处理在框栽和田间试验中分别比对照增产12.58%和13.10%,叶喷处理比对照增产9.85%和10.67%,ABT5号处理对块根含糖率没有影响。 Under frame culture and field condition the experiments were conducted in 1992 to study on effect of ABT-5 growth regulater applied with seed soaking and foliage spray on agronomic character and content of endogenous hormones in sugarbeet blade and root system. The experimental results indicated that ABT-5 growth regulater increases contents of gibberallin (GA1,3,4,7) and auxin (IAA) obviously in the root, increases content of cytokinin (DHZRs) evidently but decreases content of abscisic acid (ABA) distinctly in both of root and leaf, which results in that the ratio of DHZRS+GA1,3,4,7 + IAA as growth stimulators to ABA as a growth inhibitor in the root of treatment with seed soaking >the ratio in treatment with foliage spray > the ratio in check. Above-mentioned reason is one of the physiological mechanism increasing root yield. The experiments prove ABT-5 only promote growth of tap root don't give rist to clustered, eruptive and forked root. These experiments show that the root yield in frame culture with seed soaking is 12.58% higher than check and with foliage spray is 9.85% higher than check, and in field test the root yield of both treatment is 13.10% and 10.67% higher than check respectively. ABT-5 have no effect upon sugar content in root.

关 键 词: 甜菜 增产灵 内源植物激素

领  域: [农业科学]




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