机构地区: 上海体育学院
出 处: 《上海体育学院学报》 2001年第1期36-40,共5页
摘 要: 采用文献资料综述的研究方法 ,依据目前大量的肌肉生物力学研究成果 ,对研究内容、研究方法及体育运动中人体肌肉表现出的机能和生物力学特征等方面 ,进行较全面的探讨。内容主要涉及离体肌肉、在体肌肉、体育运动中下肢肌肉活动等 ,并提出有关问题进行讨论。 By the summary of the relative literature and materials and according to the large quantity of biomechanical research achievements in skeletal muscles at present, this paper makes a over-round exploration on the research contents, research methods, function and biomechanical characteristics of human skeletal muscles in sports. The research contents include absolute muscles, in vivo muscles and lower extremity muscle activity in sports. At the same time, some related problems for discussion are presented in the paper.