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Effect of Enzymatic Hydrolysis on Pulp Freeness and Fiber Specific Surface Area of Aspen SGW Pulp

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 山东轻工业学院

出  处: 《中国造纸学报》 2000年第1期1-6,共6页

摘  要: 研究了杨木SGW浆酶改性过程中 ,酶解产物、浆的游离度增加值和纤维的比表面积的变化规律。结果表明 ,在酶解初期 ,复合纤维素酶很快吸附到SGW浆纤维的表面发生酶解 ,使还原糖产生速率较高 ,而液相中酶蛋白浓度下降很快。伴随酶解过程的进行 ,浆的游离度增加值和纤维的比表面积呈现“波浪形”变化。这可能是复合纤维素酶的酶解作用使纤维表面产生“剥皮效应”所致。 In this thesis,the products of enzymatic hydrolysis,the pulp freeness and the fiber specific surface area of aspen SGW pulp in enzymatic modification with complex cellulases were studied. The complex cellulases were adsorbed almost instantaneously on the surface of the fiber at the onset of enzymatic hydrolysis. During the enzymatic hydrolysis of the aspen SGW pulp fiber the reducing sugar concentration increased rapidly in the early stage , but the reducing sugar concentration was toward a constant value at the later stage. According to the test,the pulp freeness increased and the fiber specific surface area(SSA) exhibited a “wave” variation as the enzymatic hydrolysis reaction proceeded.The reason was that the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulases produced “the peeling effect” on the surface of the fiber.

关 键 词: 酶解产物 杨木 复合纤维素酶 酶改性 剥皮 还原糖 比表面积 游离 液相 吸附

领  域: [轻工技术与工程] [化学工程]




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