机构地区: 西安电子科技大学
出 处: 《电路与系统学报》 1996年第2期74-77,共4页
摘 要: 本文给出一种特殊的自指针先入先出(FIFO)电路的设计。其优点是结构简单,避免了额外的寻址指针处理,然而又同样能完成异步读/写所需的指针操作。采用电子CAD技术进行仿真的结果表明电路实现了预定的功能,可用于各种需要对数据流实施速率调整的电子信息系统中。 A special Self-Pointer FIFO is designed with very simple architecture and the scheme removes the overhead address-pointer counting. However, the asyncdrinors reading/wrihng is implemented without any trouble. Simulation results by EDA technique show that the design is reasonable. It can be used in any information system where the rate of dataflow is forced to be adjusted.