机构地区: 云南师大地理系
出 处: 《云南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 1993年第2期50-56,共7页
摘 要: 长期以来,人们划分产业仅将其囿于经济系统,产生了许多不良后果。本文从生态经济角度,提出了新的产业划分思想和园艺型产业。在此基础上,结合西双版纳的开发实际,提出以绿产业开发来振兴西双版纳经济的思想。 For a long-term. The vimitition of the divided imdustry within economical system has being caused hamful of fects, The paper preposed the new thought of the divided industry and horticulurized industry. based on it. Combined the pratical clevelopnont Xishuangbanna. A uthor put forwards the new thought ei dereloping the green inclustry to stimulate the economics of Xishuangbanna.
领 域: [经济管理]