机构地区: 广东工业大学
出 处: 《郑州轻工业学院学报(社会科学版)》 2000年第4期45-48,共4页
摘 要: 羽翼未丰的中国工业设计业正面临着发达国家工业设计业以中国为市场的竞争 ,挑战与机遇并存。如何迎接挑战 ,怎样把握机遇 ,是中国工业设计界面临的一个待解答的问题。对国外设计公司的进入中国市场要冷静地对待 ,辩证地分析 ,应当看到 ,这对于充分满足国内市场对工业设计的要求、促进我国工业设计水平的提高、普及工业设计知识 ,从而强化国民的工业设计意识以及改进我们工业设计教育和造就现代设计人才是有积极意义的。至于可能产生的一些消极影响 ,只要我们处变不惊 ,采取主动 ,扬长避短 ,发挥优势 ,善于学习他人经验 ,充分利用自己熟悉中国国情、熟悉中国市场的长处 ,大力促进工业设计产、学、研的紧密结合 ,是完全可以消除的。总之 ,面对国际竞争 ,中国设计业一定要有正确的对策 ,这样 ,中国设计业不仅能在这场竞争中站稳脚跟 。 There exists challenge as well as opportunity for Chinese underdeveloped industrial design facing the keen competition in our home market from developed countries. It remains a problem to be solved as to how to meet the challenge and seize the opportunity. It should be handled calmly and analysed dialectically on the foreign industrial design companies entering into competition in Chinese market. It should also be realized that the entering of the foreign companies can satisfy the demand, improve the quality and popularize industrial design knowledge and thus stimulate awareness and perfect the education system of industrial design in China. We can learn from others and eliminate the negative effect because we are familiar with the Chinese market, if we stay calm, take the initiative and give full play to our advantages, and combine production with education and research as well. In short, Chinese design industry can not only gain ground but also prosper with careful strategy taken in the face of world competition.
领 域: [艺术]