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Effect of high power microwave radiation on microscopic and submicroscopic morphology of rat ovary

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 第四军医大学唐都医院

出  处: 《军事医学科学院院刊》 2004年第6期534-536,541,共4页

摘  要:  目的 :研究高功率微波 (highpowermicrowave ,HPM)对大鼠卵巢组织显微和亚显微结构的影响。 方法 :健康成年雄性SD大鼠 6 5只 ,随机分为实验组和对照组 (5只 )。以S波段平均功率密度分别为 2 0 ,4 0和 80mW /cm2 的HPM辐照实验组大鼠 ,辐照时间分别为 1,5 ,10和 2 0min。于辐照后 6h取材 ,应用光镜和透射电镜观察其病理形态变化。结果 :光镜下 ,与对照组相比 ,从 4 0mW /cm2 5min亚组开始出现组织水肿、充血和炎细胞浸润 ,10min亚组开始见卵泡细胞分离明显 ,2 0min亚组及 80mW /cm2 1min亚组 ,5min亚组和 10min亚组出现卵泡内层细胞变性 ,发育不同阶段的卵泡发生卵泡闭锁。黄体细胞发生凋亡。 2 0min亚组则出现组织出血和部分内层细胞坏死崩解。随照射功率密度增加照射时间延长上述病理变化更明显。透射电镜下超微结构发生轻度线粒体水肿、内质网扩张 ,间质内炎细胞浸润是从 4 0mW /cm2 5min亚组开始 ,随照射时间延长 ,功率密度增加 ,各组均可见生殖细胞发生变性、凋亡改变 ;80mW /cm2 2 0min亚组可见卵母细胞内次级溶酶体增多 ,微绒毛发生肿胀。间质细胞凋亡、裂解。 2 0mW/cm2 各亚组 ,4 0mW/cm2 1min亚组及对照组无改变。结论 :HPM可导致大鼠卵巢发生明显的病理性改变 ,当达到 80mW /cm2 辐照 2 Objective: To determine the effect of high power microwave radiation on the microscopic and submicroscopic morphology of the rat ovary.Methods:Sixty five SD rats were randomly divided into two groups,the unexposed control group( n=5) and experimental group(n=60).The experimental rats were irradiated with S wave band 20, 40, 80 mW/cm 2 high power microwave for 1, 5 ,10 and 20 minutes, respectively or sham treatment.Six hours after irradiation, ovaries of all rats were examined with light microscope and transmission electron microscope. Results: Under light microscope, vascular congestion, interstitial edema and slightly inflammatory cell infiltration were observed in the 40 mW/cm 2, 5 min subgroup. Granular cell separation was observed in follicle in the 40 mW/cm 2, 10 min subgroup. Granular cell degeneration, apoptosis of luteal cells, unilaminar follicle, primary follicle and secondary follicle atresia were also observed in 40 mW/cm 2, 20 min subgroup and 80 mW/cm 2,1 min subgroup, 5 min subgroup and 10 min subgroup. In 80 mW/cm 2, 20 min subgroup, necrosis of some granular cells and interstitial cells, and hemorrhage were found. Under transmission electron microscope, slight edema of mitochondria and dilatation of endoplasmic reticulum were observed in the 40 mW/cm 2, 5 min subgroup.With the increase in the duration of the irradiation and the power of the HPM, degeneration and apoptosis of germ cells were found in each of the experimental subgroups. The microvilli of the oocyte swelled and the secondary lysosome increased. Apoptosis and necrosis of interstitial cells were observed in the 80 mW/cm 2, 20 min subgroup. There was no change found in 20 mW/cm 2 subgroups and 40 mW/cm 2, 1 min subgroup compared with the control group. Conclusion: HPM can cause significant pathologic changes in the ovary of the rats,exposured to 80 mW/cm 2 for 20 min and induced degeneration and cell death of the ovarian tissue.

关 键 词: 高功率微波 卵巢 超微结构 病理学 大鼠

领  域: [生物学]


作者 张文婧


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学生命科学学院生物科学系
机构 中山大学生命科学学院生物系


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