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A Textual Research on XuanYingYinYi in Dunhuang Manuscripts

作  者: ;

机构地区: 上海师范大学人文学院

出  处: 《敦煌研究》 2005年第1期95-102,共8页

摘  要: 《玄应音义》各传本之间有着复杂的异同关系,本文在逐词比勘各本异同的基础上就周祖谟先生《校读玄应一切经音义后记》和张金泉、许建平先生《敦煌音义汇考》的一些疏失作有补正,指出《玄应音义》大致可分为高丽藏和碛砂藏两大系列。二者的不同早在开宝藏刊印前的敦煌写本中已存在。敦煌文献中无碛砂藏卷 5 所脱 21 部经的写本可能是开宝藏初刻本所据之祖本,后成为碛砂藏本一系;有碛砂藏卷5所脱21部经的写本是契丹藏所据之祖本,后成为高丽藏本一系。 The Classical Versions of Xuan Ying Yin Yi had had differencial relationship between the different versions and had very complicated confusion in them. On the foundation work on each version of Xuan Ying Yin Yi in exist word by word as a textual research, this article had correct some shortcomes found in the publishing of The Postscripts on Proofread The Xuan Ying Yin YI by Mr.ZHOU Zu-mo and The Collective Study on Dunhuang Yin Yi by Mr. ZHANG Yong-quan and Mr. XU Jian-ping by a careful comparative study on the different and similar of composition of the each texts. Furthmore, this article made a textual research on XuanYingYinYi in Dunhuang Manuscripts, and had pointed out that the versions of diferent texts could most probably be divided into two serieses: the collection of Korean Sūtra and the collections of Qisha. This article had discovered many different writing in the two serieses have already exsited in Dunhuang Manuscripts. The Dunhuang manuscripts probably the ancient mother text of the Qisha series.

关 键 词: 玄应音义 敦煌写本 异同比勘 考释补正

领  域: [文化科学] [文学]


作者 吴羽
作者 张慕华
作者 赵静莲
作者 马承玉
作者 吴士田


机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
机构 中山大学
机构 东莞理工学院城市学院
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中国古文献研究所
机构 汕头大学文学院


作者 李娟
作者 谢施莹
作者 张晓青
作者 梁凤莲
作者 梁文晶