机构地区: 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院
出 处: 《南京理工大学学报》 2004年第6期668-672,共5页
摘 要: 针对水体中水蚤类浮游动物的孳生 ,该文提出利用鲢、鳙鱼对其进行生物控制。在 30g/m3 水体的放养生物量下 ,对微型生态系统中鲢、鳙鱼的生物操纵作用进行了实验研究。结果表明 :鲢、鳙鱼的放养 ,尤其是混养可有效抑制水体中水蚤类浮游动物的孳生 ,而且水体中氮、磷等营养物质得到了一定程度的去除、有机物指标下降、溶解氧水平有所提高。在混养系统中 ,浮游藻类尤其是蓝、绿藻的生物量也被控制在较低的水平 ,从而有效控制和缓解了水体富营养化的进程。 An ecological project was put forward for the excess propagation control of zooplankton in water body by stocking silver carp or bighead carp. The biomanipulation of fish was experimentally investigated at stocking density of 30 g per cubic meter of water in the microcosms. The experimental results showed that the excess propagation of water flea could be effectively controlled and also the water quality was simultaneously improved by stocking silver carp or bighead carp especially poly-culture. During the experiment, the total nitrogen and total phosphorus were decreased to a certain extent, the content of organic matters was reduced and the level of dissolved oxygen was increased. In the microcosms of poly-culture, the phytoplankton,especially the biomass of blue and green algae,was controlled in a lower level. That controlled and deferred the appearance of eutrophication of water body.
领 域: [建筑科学]