机构地区: 大连理工大学化工学院石油化工学院精细化工国家重点实验室
出 处: 《染料与染色》 2004年第6期337-339,共3页
摘 要: 本文论述了染色整理同步进行的可行性,简述了染色整理同步进行的工艺,综述了染色整理同步进行整理剂的类型,染色整理同步进行所用的整理剂,阐述了低甲醛和无醛整理剂的特点;染色整理同步进行主要应用的染料和染料的共同特征;染色整理同步进行所需催化剂的选择;染色整理同步进行工艺的一般步骤。最后,展望了染色整理同步进行工艺的发展方向。有20篇参考文献。 The feasibility of Simultaneous Dyeing,Finishing(SDF) was discussed and the process of SDF was briefly introduced with 20 references. The types and characteristics of finishing agents including formaldehyde and formaldehyde-free agents, the common characteristics of dyes used in SDF procedure, and the selection of catalysts in the SDF procedure were described in detail. The prospect of SDF was also mentioned,