作 者: ;
机构地区: 北京大学中国语言文学系比较文学与比较文化研究所
出 处: 《中国比较文学》 2005年第1期1-12,共12页
摘 要: 编者按:2004年8月8日-15日,国际比较文学学会(ICLA)在香港召开第17届年会.这是ICLA首次在中国境内举行年会.中国比较文学学会会长乐黛云教授在会上的发言,以中国学者的视角,首先从"反本开新"与"参照他者"、跨文化和跨学科的文学对话两大方面,观察并论述了当今国际比较文学发展的新格局、新趋势,继而全面回顾了中国比较文学20年来的发展历程,分别从对比较文学观念的推进、文学人类学和对中国古代经典的现代诠释、关于翻译文学的研究、海外华文文学与流散文学研究等7个方面,对中国比较文学在当代的复兴与繁荣做出了总结性描述,并深信:"奠基于中国文化传统的中国比较文学","将在消减全球主义意识形态,改善后现代主义造成的离散、孤立、绝缘状态等方面"起到独特的作用. The 17th Annual Conference of International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA) was held in Hong Kong on August 8-15, 2004. For the first time China as a host, Prof. Yue Daiyun, President of CCLAC, made a keynote speech in this conference. From the perspective of a Chinese scholar, she begins with the new maps and new trends of comparative literature study in the world and categorizes them into two parts, namely returning to one' s roots and opening up new frontiers with reference to the other on the one hand, and carrying on cross-cultural and interdisciplinary dialogues on the other. She goes on to review in details the development of China's comparative literature study in the past two decades and points out its remarkable contributions and achievements in the following several aspects: promotion of the concept of comparative literature; literary anthropology; modern in- terpretation of china's classics; study on translated literature; overseas-Chinese literature study; diasporic literature study. With a firm belief in the revival and bright future of China's comparative literature study in an era of globalization, Prof. Yue ends her speech by declaring that China's comparative literature deeply rooted in China's traditional culture will surely play a unique and significant role in appeasing the intense conflicts of ideologies and ameliorating the condition of fragment, detachedness and isolation brought by postmodernism.