机构地区: 广东商学院
出 处: 《继电器》 2005年第3期40-42,共3页
摘 要: 多代理(MAS)技术目前是分布式人工智能(DAI)发展的主要研究方向,它着重研究一组自治的、多个智能Agent之间的行为协调,适于解决传统AI和单一Agent所无法解决的复杂问题。该文把多Agent技术应用到输电线路的后备保护中,通过加强各智能体之间的配合与协调,从而达到在线路发生永久性故障时,能缩短后备保护动作时间的目的。 Multi-agent system (MAS) is the main researching orientation of distributed artificial intelligence at present, it mainly studies the action cooperation between a group of many autonomy Agents and can solve the problems that traditional AI and single Agent can't solve. This paper employs multi-agent to the back-up protection of transmssion line efficiently to reduce the action time by strengthening the harmony and cooperation among the Agents.
关 键 词: 继电保护 分布式人工智能 多代理系统 后备保护
领 域: [电气工程]