机构地区: 重庆工业高等专科学校计算机系
出 处: 《计算机科学》 2004年第12期110-112,共3页
摘 要: 本文研究了一个单向耦合的混沌时延神经元系统的滞同步问题。利用Krasovskii-Lyapunov稳定性理论,分析了同步的渐近稳定性,并给出了判定耦合系统滞同步的一个充分条件。数值实验仿真结果表明,该系统具有满意的滞同步效果,证实了结论的正确性。 In this paper, lag synchronization of a unidirectionally coupled identical chaotic time-delayed neuron system is investigated. The asymptotic stability of the Synchronization is analyzed by employing the Krasovskii-Lyapunov theory, and a sufficient condition of lag synchronization of the coupled system is proposed. The result of computer stimulate indicates that the coupled system possesses ideal lag synchronization effect, and the result is consistent with the theoretical analysis.