机构地区: 华南农业大学林学院
出 处: 《人造板通讯》 2005年第1期27-30,共4页
摘 要: 目前,我国人工林面积已居世界第一位,但我国乡土树 种速生材的经济效益差,严重影响林农的生产积极性,不利于 我国木材工业的发展。为此,从乡土树种速生材资源状况、效 益差的原因入手,探讨我国乡土树种速生材的高附加值利用 途径及优先发展的产业。 At present China ranks first in area of plantation in theworld. However,timbers of Chinese native fast growing tree speciesare poor in economic performance, and this severely restricts the enthusiasm of forest fanners and affects the development of wood industry in China.Therefore the resource status and reasons of deficiency in economic performance of Chinese native fast growing limbers are analyzed, and high value added utilization ways and prority industries to be developed for the native timbers are discussed.