机构地区: 广东省农业科学院
出 处: 《中国水稻科学》 2005年第1期52-58,共7页
摘 要: 对华南稻区新育成的超高产杂交稻组合粤杂122、丰优428、泗优998、培杂67和超高产常规稻品种广超3号、胜泰1号等6个材料抽穗期的主要形态性状进行了差异显著性测验及对产量的通径分析,提出了华南双季稻超高产育种抽穗期理想形态指标分别为:早季株高90~105 cm;每蔸茎数11~12条;剑叶长35~40 cm;剑叶宽2.1~2.2 cm;倒2叶长、宽为46~50 cm和1.8~2.1 cm;倒3叶长、宽为59~64 cm和1.4~1.9 cm;剑叶开张角7°~14°;倒2叶、倒3叶开张角为18°和20°~33°.晚季株高95~100 cm;每蔸茎数9~15条;剑叶长30~41 cm;剑叶宽1.8~2.0 cm;倒2叶长、宽为53~61 cm、1.3~1.8 cm;倒3叶长、宽为52~58 cm、1.2~1.5 cm;剑叶开张角9°~19°;倒2叶、倒3叶开张角为15°~37°、16°~49°.同时测定了参试材料的主要生理性状,并对华南双季稻超高产育种抽穗期的适宜生理指标进行了探讨. The morphological characters of the newly released super high-yielding hybrid rice in South China, Yueza 122, Fengyou 428, Peiza 67, Siyou 998, and super high-yielding conventional rice varieties, Guangchao 3, Shengtai 1 at heading stage were investigated both in early and late cropping season by using the analysis of variance and path analysis and other statistic methods. The ideal morphological characters at heading stage for early cropping season were as follows: 90-105 cm height, 11-12 tillers per plant, 35-40 cm flag leaf length and 2.1-2.2 cm flag leaf width, 46-50 cm for the length of the second leaf from the top and 1.8-2.1 cm for its width, 59-64 cm and 1.4-1.9 cm for the length and width of the third leaf from the top, 7 -14 for the ideal flag leaf angle, 18 and 20 -33 for the leaf angle of the second and third leaf from the top. And those for late cropping season were 90-100 cm height, 9-15 tillers per plant, 30-41 cm flag leaf length and 1.8- 2.0 cm flag leaf width, 53-61 cm for the length of the second leaf from the top and 1.3-1.8 cm for its width, 52-58 cm and 1.2-1.5 cm for the length and width of the third leaf from the top, 9 -19 for the ideal flag leaf angle, 15 -37 and 16 -49 for the leaf angle of the second and third leaves from the top. The main physiological characters of those varieties and combinations were also analyzed.
关 键 词: 超高产水稻 形态性状 理想株型 双季稻 抽穗期 华南地区 生理指标
领 域: [农业科学]