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Opening-up Ideas Comparison Between Guo Songtao and Sun Yat-sen

作  者: ;

机构地区: 惠州学院政治法律系

出  处: 《湖南城市学院学报》 2004年第6期51-54,共4页

摘  要: 郭嵩焘与孙中山从顺应变局这个基本点出发,反对闭关锁国、守旧排外,主张主动对外开放,向西方学习,走向世界,以达到中华民族的自立、自强的目的。其共同点是具有强烈的爱国民族意识和求真务实的实学精神。由于政治属性、自身学识和经历、所处社会历史环境和思想文化背景不同,郭、孙二人在这个问题上又存在着明显差异:郭嵩焘主张通过对外开放,吸纳西方物质"长技"、"朝廷政教"和"人心风俗"来补充封建专制政体与封建纲常伦理;孙中山主张推翻封建专制政体,代之以西方民主共和政体,以"图中国之富强"。达到赶超西方的目的。 Sun Yat-sen and Guo Songtao persevered in the cardinal principles of chasing the world-changing tide,fighting against the policy of closing the country to the rest of the world,against conserving the old practices.They held that the country should adopt the opening up to outside world policy,learn from the western countries and appear in the world arena.Their similarities of political views were that they were all of patriotism and national senses and seeking truth from the facts.However,the obvious dissimilarities between Sun and Guo were existed based on the political views,knowledge and experiences and social environment,historical position and ideological and cultural backgrounds.Guo Songtao's views were that he wanted to maintain the feudal despotism and feudal cardinal guides and constant virtues through means of opening up to the world and absorbing the concepts of 'technology','integration of church and state' and 'popular support dictatorship'.It is,however,that Sun Yat-sen's political views that the western type of democratic and republic government system should replace the feudal despotism court government.Thus could we turn the country into a rich and prosperous to achieve the goal of learning from and even surpassing the western countries.

关 键 词: 对外开放 出发点 目的 异同 比较

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理]


作者 夏巨富
作者 成晓军
作者 张宇权
作者 袁洪亮
作者 李友兰


机构 广东省社会科学院
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学政治与行政学院


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作者 曾彧
作者 杨卫华
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