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作  者: ;

机构地区: 西南师范大学文学院

出  处: 《杜甫研究学刊》 2004年第3期44-50,共7页

摘  要: 拾遗官肩负着议政重任 ,地位清贵 ,待遇优厚 ,前程远大 ,任用也相当慎重。仕途蹭蹬、穷困潦倒而“好议天下大事”的杜甫 ,得到这个职位 ,无疑十分理想。它给了 46岁的诗人一个上升的平台 ,也使其“致君尧舜”之志有了实现的可能。诗人因此感激涕零 ,上任伊始就直言极谏以图报效。遭受打击后 ,他保持沉默 ,勤勉谨慎地工作 ,是为了保住官位 ,把握来之不易的机会。任官左拾遗 ,是杜甫的政治生涯中最辉煌、最令他自豪的部分 ,它时常引起诗人余生无穷的追忆、叹惋、愤懑和忧伤。诗人的“恋阙”心态以及“善陈时事”的特点 。 The officer of Shiyi who played an important role in discussing and passing the resolution in the administration were usually well-paid and in a respectable position with great prospect. Therefore it was undoubtedly an ideal post for Dufu whose official career was fraught with difficulties, hardships and poverty. When appointed the officer of Shiyi, Dufu was so grateful that he attempted to dedicate himself to the service of country by expostulating. He regarded it as an opportunity for realizing his ambition and further promotion as well. Suffering from frustrations and setbacks, he still kept working hard without complaint for the purpose of maintaining his post and opportunities. Assuming the post of Shiyi was the most glorious part on his political life, which brought him wondrous memories, sentimentality, complaints as well as sadness. His official career of Shiyi somewhat underlies his political ambition and political criticism.

关 键 词: 诗人 杜甫 仕途 沉默 天下 忧伤 议政 理想 心态 地位

领  域: [文学]


作者 王杰锋
作者 黄承基
作者 刘爱兰
作者 胡敏沪
作者 白于蓝


机构 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学历史文化学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学文学院


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作者 徐丽华
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