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Types of Agricultural Structure and Technical Countermeasure for the Sustainable Utilization of Resources in Shouguang County

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 苏州科技学院环境科学与工程学院

出  处: 《资源科学》 2004年第6期152-157,共6页

摘  要: 在寿光农业结构类型进行划分的基础上,分析了寿光耕地、劳动力、化肥、农药以及科技等农业资源的利用状况,结果表明:寿光属于农业自然资源相对短缺、农业经济相对发达和农业生态环境状况相对较差的农业类型。寿光人均耕地面积小,2002年只有0 084hm2,但每公顷耕地产值高,为29969元,是同期全国平均水平的2 6倍。农业劳动力人均产值明显高于全国平均水平,是全国平均值的2 9倍。寿光化肥、农药、农膜等农业物资投入水平高,每公顷耕地的投入量分别是全国平均值的4倍、7倍、21倍。近年来,科技进步对寿光农业新增产值的贡献率有所下降。文章最后提出了实现农业资源可持续利用的技术对策:保护耕地资源,发展节地型农业技术;加强科技成果的推广应用,普及优良品种资源;转移农业劳动力,发展节劳型农业技术;推广节肥节药节膜型农业技术;研究开发资源回收利用技术。 Agricultural sustainable development was defined as unified coordination among agricultural resources sustainability, agricultural economic sustainability and agricultural eco-environment sustainability.Classification methods are used to study the agricultural structure types of Shouguang County.Based on this classification, analysis is made in the application situation of farmland, labor, fertilizer, pesticide, science and technology in Shouguang County, the results of which indicate that Shouguang agriculture is a type of relatively short in natural resources, relatively developed in agricultural economy and relatively worse in environmental conditions.Per capita cultivated land is only 0.084 hm^2 in 2002, the GDP of per hectare cultivated land is (29 969) RMB which is 2.6 times than that of the average value in China at the same time.Agricultural labor force per capita GDP is 2.9 times than that of the average value in China.The input quantity of chemical fertilizer, pesticide and plastic film is high, the amount of their input is 4times, 7times and 21times than that of the average value in China, respectively.Vegetable was the backbone of agricultural industry.Many problems had come out during the development of vegetable industry, for example, decreasing contribution rate of science and technology progress to the agricultural GDP, degrading vegetable quality and worsening agricultural environment.At the end of this thesis, the technical countermeasures are put forward to realize the sustainable utilization of agricultural resources: protecting farmland resources, developing farmland-saved agricultural technologies; enhancing application of science and technology productions, popularizing breed resource of high quality; transferring agricultural labor force, developing labor force-concentrated agricultural technologies; generalizing fertilizer-saved, pesticide-saved and film-saved agricultural technologies and researching and developing resources recycling technology.

关 键 词: 结构类型 农业资源 可持续利用 技术对策

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 代海燕
作者 陈彦
作者 罗思瑜
作者 饶秉才
作者 皇婉贞


机构 华南农业大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 惠州学院经济管理系


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟