机构地区: 华中师范大学体育学院体育系
出 处: 《四川体育科学》 2004年第3期20-21,27,共3页
摘 要: 入世后,我国体育中介服务市场面临严峻挑战,要加快我国体育中介业的发展,应在体育中介市场引入市场准入机制,对国外体育中介机构的进入条件进行限制;同时应加快我国体育中介机构规范化发展,并完善相关立法,促进我国体育中介服务业的发展。 The intermediary service of sports confronted with severely challenge after entering the WTO. Researching the market condition of it, the author think that the system of market access should be adopted to limit the entrance qualification of foreigners, meanwhile, the development of service scale and the legislation of relevant issues should be enhanced to accelerate the development of the intermediary service of sports in China.